Tuesday 6 January 2009

Day 5: January 5th 2009

Day 5. I'm afraid Day five's picture is a day late, as I didn't really get the chance to upload it yesterday. I got the chance to take it though.

Anyway, this is my set of Doctor Who DVD's. I have the whole of Series 1 (including the Christmas Special) and the whole of Series 2 (also including the Christmas Special). So, so far I've got from Rose, to The Runaway Bride.

Hopefully, in the future, I wish you add more to my collection, Series 3, Series Four etc.

Until I'm right up to date with the current episodes.

So yeah, here is my collection of Doctor Who DVD's. I got some of these for Christmas, and some of them I had from before. I've also got two other DVD's of Doctor Who, which are the classic series, which are - Revelation of the Daleks, and Remembrance of the Daleks.

Day 6 coming soon!!


  1. Great pics, just one thing bugging me about this blog, I swear when something ends in an 's' you just put example James' am I wrong? x

  2. Yeah your right, I just write it like that, lol...
